Testimonials wanted

I know it’s extremely early-days here, but I’m wondering if anyone would be will to be quoted as a testimonial for why you decided to become a member?

I’m working on a What's inside for our Members topic, and I’d love to be able to put some testimonials on there too.


@craigconstantine Let me know if this helps or if you need something else.

As a relatively new podcaster, it’s important to me to continuously learn and improve what I am offering to my listeners. Becoming a member gives me access to an active, generous podcasting community, as well as the resources and discussions about content, process and tech. Easy decision.

~ Linda McLachlan - Host, Producer & Editor, THE ARENA - Living a Courageous Life.


@craigconstantine , thanks so much for creating this space!

Podcasting can be a lonely experience without friends who understand its unique challenges. Being part of a community of podcasters who are all at different points along their journey offers an opportunity to learn and grow together by supporting, celebrating, sharing knowledge, and forging friendships. I’m so in.

~ Boston Blake - Host, Producer & Editor, MYTHIC


Bump! Anyone else? :smiley:


Do you want to create a podcast? Do you already have a podcast and want to keep on learning? Either way, interacting with others in the Podcasting Community will address your questions, provide opportunities to receive and generate feedback, and cultivate true relationships with others on the podcasting path. Membership is a great idea that will uncover as many benefits as you need.

~ David W. Reynolds - Creator and Host, Lead. Learn. Change.

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