On Forward Link shutting down

Thoughts on scaling

There’s no danger of an influx of podcasters from FL swamping us here. All ~1,100 could sign up and we’d be fine. Fine in that the platform won’t fall over, (because I’ve chosen to use the bomber-solid Discourse-itself hosting,) but also fine because YOU AWESOME PEOPLE are already making this community sustainable.

Additions and changes

I don’t foresee needing to change or add much. I’ve created a POD9.5 group—it’s pod9 students who had already self-assembled in FL to continue working until pod10 starts in January—but I don’t see anything else that needs immediate doing. (I’ll happily create more groups if people want them, of course.)


As much as I’m saddened by Akimbo sunsetting FL, I’m also surprised. I expected to be puffed-up-proud that my community idea survived longer than FL… but instead, I don’t feel the least bit like that.

Instead, just a diffuse glow of “aw crap! but FL was awesome.”

And then I remember, no actually— the only part of FL that I really loved (never mind that I poured a TON of time into helping with FL in the early days) was YOU FREAKIN’ AWESOME PODCASTERS who I already get to hang out with… :smiley:



Thanks for creating and holding the space @craigconstantine


Appreciate this!! Thanks @craigconstantine for building this space.


Thank you @craigconstantine. Your the best, I’m signed up.


I’ll mention this here too: Discourse (the platform this site runs upon) lets you choose what you want to have as your Avatar flair. By default, the paying supporters have a certain flair. But if you belong to certain groups—eg POD9.5—you have additional options. So you can go in to your prefs (avatar, then click the silhoutte, the click preferences) you can change your flair.


Love your message, @craigconstantine, and all that I learned (and continue to learn) from you.

Our podcast camaraderie is soul food. My big takeaways from Akimbo workshops and FL are the strength/ importance of community and the approach to all our creative endeavors with the spirit of generosity.

Thank you :pray:t3:


Great to be here and have this space!


Piling on the thanks here, @craigconstantine! I, too, was saddened about FL shutting down! And surprised. How will they connect in future classes? No long-term way? Darn!


I will be interested in how the vacuum gets filled by sub-communities and by Akimbo. They still need us as a marketing cohort. Appreciate this forum.


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