Three years and what the world owes you


Way back in June of 2021, I said “hey guys, I made this!”

I didn’t want this community’s third-year anniversary to pass without posting something.

I thought this blog post from Seth rhymes perfectly with what this community is:

First, this community wouldn’t be possible without the generous support of our @members. Thank you! Your monetary support literally keeps this place running.

Next, there are a few people—the usual suspects!—who over the years have gone above and beyond in their care and generosity. I’d like to give a second dollop of thanks to our Influencers! Your contributions have changed this community, shifted my thinking, and made everything (not just this community) better. You rock!

Also, I’ll take this opportunity to highlight @ChristiCassidy and @maryjlrowe who have just-now been given the Influencer badge. Together, and in relay fashion, they’ve been running the Idea Club for— …uh, I’m not sure how long now. It’s been years. The Idea Club has become a staple around here. Countless times in Idea Club meetings I’ve been inspired and found new ideas for making this community better. Thank you! You ladies are crushin’ it.

I’d also like to say, “Thank you for believing in this idea!” to all those early adopters who three years ago leapt first. Thank you to the Founding Members!

Finally, I do so love the chill vibe, thoughtful and generous culture, and friendly faces around here. I’m looking forward to another year.

Questions? Please, of course, hit reply.

But, please could you also…

Hit reply and share a story about someone — Tell me about something that inspired you, or how someone gave you a generous push, or gave you an idea or help when you needed it…


PS: Members can also read the 1-year, and 2-year anniversary posts on the Workbench

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