Show the web some love

Web sites!

Our beloved podcasting is built upon technology from the free (as in freedom and money) World Wide Web. We’ve come to take it for granted, so we just call it the web without even a capital-W.

Every podcast creator talks about getting more listeners. There are billions of people using the web. Searching on the web has to lead to a web site.

My challenge to you is:

Type “Your Show Title podcast” into a few search engines…,, and are probably the minimum to try.

(You could also search for the title, or some critical words, or a guest name, from a recent episode.)

What did you get?

How far down those results is it to something that you actually control?

Is there even anything you control, anywhere in the results?

The only thing you can actually control on the web, is your own domain name.

…go to and find a domain name that you like.



OK will do. :blush:

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Apropos, I just found this in the Jan 5 issue of

And here’s someone else’s take on it…

A good reminder, indeed. We can debate how much any of us control our spaces so long as any part of it is provided by someone else, but just having your own domain name is a fantastic starting point. ~ On Digital Sovereignty – Pixel Envy

Which also led me to a new discovery, — super-easy blogging on your own domain name. That could be a terrific way to begin posting on the web (excerpts from your episode show notes, or quotes from your guests — things you’re already creating/distilling from your show) using your own domain name.