Our culture

The people in this community are generous. We’re the kind of people who lean in to help, and who offer a hand to lift others up. We like to think a bit more before we hit reply. We show up here to be helpful, to be inspired, to share our passion, to share what we’ve learned, and we like to ask questions.

"If our culture resonates with you, you will find yourself warmly welcomed. We understand that this community might not be for you, and that's okay too. Here I've tried to unpack some of our culture so you can figure out if this community really is your community." ~ Craig Constantine

Who’s it for?

The purpose of this community is to support independent podcast creators.

Are you interested in creating podcasts? Whether you’re casually thinking about it, have just begun, or are publishing your 100th episode, then I consider you a podcast creator.

What’s it for?

As an indie podcaster, you face countless questions. My goal is to help you with that. My goal is to answer your questions, sure. But I also want to help you find the unknown-unknowns, to help you stay motivated, and to help you remember why you started.

This community is a place where podcast creators can share and amplify their enthusiasm for the art of podcasting. You can show up as little or as much as you want. I understand that life gets busy, and we each have commitments and responsibilities in our lives. This community will be here whenever your podcasting passion bubbles up.

If you want something to learn, are seeking a conversation to engage in, are looking for camaraderie, have a question, need a nudge, or even a well-intentioned shove… You’ll find that here.

Here you can engage when you want, contribute what you wish, and get what you need. Here you won’t find saccharine trivialities, fear-of-missing-out, click-bait, nor advertising. Here, you are not the product.

What’s appropriate here

Everything here should be at least tenuously related to podcasting.

Everything here should be suitable for children who might be looking over our members’ shoulders at any moment.

Where to go from here

:thinking: You might enjoy reading our community guidelines.

Questions? Message our moderators…