I’m thinking a lot of people might not be aware that we have this #snapshots category! So here’s a fun challenge to post the last photo on your phone/camera.
reminder: everything on this community platform should be safe for children who might be looking over our members shoulders at any moment.
I once drove almost 3 hours to get to a rock climbing area in upstate New York. Only to realize at the gate that I'd forgotten my membership badge. `*doh*` Fortunately, Tracy messaged me photos of it hanging on the bulletin board and they let me in, (without charging me the $20 day-pass fee.)
Mine is a little sad, this was some fur and paw print from our pet rabbit’s vet, we had to put her down. I took a picture because it was very thoughtful from our vet.
The road our building is on, runs along a very busy rural railroad track, appearing to transport mostly those large “Merchant Marine” type crates from China on rail flat bed “box cars”. Lots of repairs on the tracks. Fascinating machines are often parked right across from our property. Took this last photo on a walk about a week ago. It’s an “All-in-One something. Still there when I walked today.
I was complaining about the current San Francisco 49er coach with a buddy. And he said, what do you want? Steve Mariucci (a former coach)? I said you bet and sent him a photo of my signed Mariucci cap. Fitting I guess, since my podcast is sports focused.
Today my copy of the Work in Progress anthology arrived. I’m over the moon because the first chapter of my novel Meet Me in Mumbai is one of the stories in the book.
Wow! @BrandiHeather, the photo is amazing and your woodpecker is brilliant! I’ve never been in that much snow or extreme cold. It was 74 F here today (unseasonably hot) and I picked lemons off my Meyer lemon tree.
Debbie and I brainstorming potential phrases to paint/stencil onto a wall in our house. Will use a fitting “Roman font” once we land on the right words and the best location.
…my mom loved puzzles and I started buying harder and harder ones. She got mad when I bought her one that was all Dalmations. I was holding these two as final, nuclear options:
@katcocks Putting a pet down is so heartbreaking. A loving vet makes such a difference, they set us on our journey to heal from sadness. Such a blessing.