And now, Transcripts begin for real

tl;dr: Transcripts are now, “yes, consider them as being used everywhere.”

We podcasters talk a lot about transcripts. The short answer has always been that they’re probably not worth the efforts. The short answer has now changed.

Transcripts are a thing. This is a done-deal. Thanks to laws, AI, companies efforts… all audio is going to be transcribed. You may as well begin understanding how it works…

Of particular note is that Apple is following the Podcast Namespace (a “namespace” is an extension to vanilla XML) specification, which is created and maintained by the global community of podcast creators themselves. This means we can create our own transcripts in the global “WebVTT” standard and publish them with our shows.

…or we can sit back and let everyone else (all the podcast-playing platforms, like Spotify YouTube Apple) generate them for us auto-magically.

A while back PodNews (in the issue, ) mentioned that…

And today ( ), PodNews published this…

Since you’ve read this far, you’ll enjoy this nifty Q&A about how Apple’s podcast player app uses and creates transcripts…


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