Steve Heatherington's Podcasting course continues

@steveh is too humble to post this himself. :slight_smile:

Ever since Akimbo abandoned (why? I dunno, makes no sense to me) the Podcasting course, Steve has continued to run it and has continued to refine the material.

Frankly, each of us would benefit from running through his latest course material.

He’s starting a different sort of monthly call, one focused on the people who are actively taking his courses. It’s on the first Monday of every month at 5 pm UK time (Noon ET).

Some of you may have already heard about this?

A lot of people ask me if I feel like what Steve is doing competes with this community… my response is:

…are you crazy? We need more more more people like Steve doing more more more for independent podcasters!!

Please go check out , get on his email list, take his course, and tell your friends… post it on your socials, better yet tell your friends directly via email etc.

Go! People like us share things like this.



Even though @steveh needs no endorsement among those who have had experience with his contributions to our education and growth, this is timely, beautifully expressed, and yes - persuasive! :heart: