What's your best answer?

Introductions are not hard— …we’re just not prepared.

Whenever I’m on a podcast, I dread one inevitable question: “I know who you are, but tell everyone listening who you are!”

This is a moment when I feel painfully insecure, first-day-of-sixth-grade only-kid-with-braces level.

The things I like about myself don’t matter in this scenario; my task is to answer, essentially, “What is interesting, valuable, or remarkable about me to strangers?" ~ Mari Andrew, from It doesn’t have to make sense

This is doubly related to people around here. Mari goes on to talk about @davidnebinski and it’s worth a read.

But also, just yesterday I was in a little session presented by @Andrea-TalkAboutTalk where she gave (among much more) a tidy little framework for introducing yourself. She pointed out that her framework is a place to begin. Once you get comfy introducing yourself you can expand and modify and do what you like.

So, what’s your current self-introduction?

…then read Andrea’s ideas, and then what’s your new, better self-introduction?


PS: Technically, it’s triply related since that’s a photo of some of @steveh’s alpacas :wink:


Thank you so much for sharing and highlighting me here, Craig!

This Podcast Mixer, episode, and her newsletter was SUCH A HIGHLIGHT for me!

Thanks for sparking this convo!

For me, it depends on who I am talking too :slight_smile:

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Here’s my self-introduction…

Hello :wave: I’m Craig Constantine. I’m a podcast creator and a writer. I’m endlessly curious and passionate about creating better conversations. I want us to go from simply having conversations, to actively creating better ones for ourselves and others.

If you read Andrea’s points, this doesn’t follow her form exactly. It does start with “present tense” and then goes to “future tense,” and it actively engages the person I’m introducing myself to. What I didn’t do (from Andrea’s structure) is also talk about “past tense/credentials”… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Thoughts on that? Can you hear my actual voice when you read that? (I really want to know.)