POD9.5 - how to reach your audience

Hello Podcasters,

Please join us next week as we look further into finding our audience and how to reach it.

Finding your 10 is a wonderful insight in knowing who we should be talking to, who we are seeking to serve. Our 10. Did you have a chance of thinking of your 10? Could you think of 1. Could you name the 1?

I feel it is such a central way to rethinking our plans. This is not for everybody, as we are learning.

Seth Godin: To Find Your Audience, Ask Yourself This Question | Inc.

Now that we have figured it out (or have started thinking about it), we can think further. How do we reach those we seek to talk to? And how should we be addressing our audience.

Here is a great clip from Seth Godin, that addresses this specifically and brings such simple, obvious examples to understand how ideas spread and how to be effective with our marketing through empathy.

How To Reach Your Audience? (Ft. Seth Godin)

Our next meeting will be on Saturday November 13, following Interview Practice.

Zoom link to follow.

Looking forward to seeing you!
Happy Monday,



One more ask for the meeting - since we are talking about our audience and we are asking to identify One listener, One follower - we would love to hear about ‘the One’ for each of us. This is not about an avatar. This is about a real person who you know will be there when you are ready to launch. Your True Fan.
Looking forward to meeting your +1 !

On the Up & UP :arrow_up: POD9.5 — Saturdays 3pm-NYC
Join Zoom Meeting


Excellent, @Anna
I’m in and I do know the name of my one// LOL
AnnieP (she/her)

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Can’t wait to hear about your one! :gem:

Lol! She’s a Brit from Lancashire and her name is Sarah she’s a pip

I can’t remember which Pod I was in…Pod8? Pod9?

Is Pod9 the current Podcast Workshop? If so, I was Pod8…tried looking up an old email to figure it out. I did the workshop this last spring/summer.

Maybe someone here can help me remember.

Continuing the discussion from Po9.5 - how to reach your audience:

If you go to https://my.akimbo.com/ and log in, it will list what course(s) you’ve been in.

Alright fellow podcasters - The meeting is on the calendar and below is the zoom link (which I will also add at the top of the post).

One more ask for the meeting - since we are talking about our audience and we are asking to identify One listener, One follower - we would love to hear about ‘the One’ for each of us. This is not about an avatar. This is about a real person who you know will be there when you are ready to launch. Your True Fan.
Looking forward to meeting your +1!

On the Up & UP :arrow_up: POD9.5 — Saturdays 3pm-NYC
Join Zoom Meeting

@Anna @AnnieP I will not be on our call today. Have a wonderful session and I’ll see you next week :two_hearts:

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Thanks for letting us know - see you next time! :wave:

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is this every Sat at 3pm?

Hello Jamie - yes, it is on Saturdays at 3pm ET, with the exception of Nov. 27, Thanksgiving weekend. Feel free to join us. The zoom link is he same as above. I will be posting reminders.

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@Anna that is great…looking forward to attending

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