Just Jamie here

Hi Potential Podfriends! :wave:
I am a closet podcaster and I need to get my podcasting hobby out of the closet and into the world. I dropped the ball on this group. I want to get connected and inspired and maybe learn here how to start my own group for middle aged women who want to create something in the world and not just make money or keep house.

I was in the Podcast Workshop over the summer it started about time my divorce finalized (June 3 would have been 31 years). I want to be a creative who has some stories and isn’t afraid to use them.

Thanks for reading!
Just Jamie


Welcome @JustJamie :smiley:

You’ve a few different questions in there. I’ll pick this one…

What does it mean to you for it to be “in the closet” currently? What has to change for you to feel it’s out in the world?


Hi @JustJamie great to see you!

Do you see starting a group for middle-aged women coming from the podcast or the podcast from the group?

And are you still recording in your canoe? :wink:



@JustJamie Welcome Jamie!


@JustJamie you haven’t been gone, you’ve been busy doing other things—like getting divorced!

What is your podcast about—who’s it for, what’s it for?

To meet you!


@JustJamie @JuleKucera

What Jule said.

And when life happens, a podcast just might have to go on the back burner while we sort things out.

I think, like @steveh, that I recall someone who checked in on a podcast zoom call from a canoe. Was that you?


I have gotten way off track since the Podcast workshop…I recorded in my kayak every day until summer was over…I think working on my son’s wedding in Sept is when I got off track. And then the cold weather came. I had been putting the recordings on SoundCloud and ran out of room on the free account.

I had set up an account on Captivate in August, but haven’t figured out how to transfer all the files from SoundCloud to Captivate. I had taken a lot of time to take a picture for each episode that went into SoundCloud but I don’t think that will transfer to Captivate.

I also have a book that I finished and published to Amazon summer 2020 and it is about my Avatar (women in Midlife who have “lost themselves” and need to rediscover their creativity). I also started a FB group back then, but the divisuons between people because of politics and covid controversy makes FB a war zone propaganda machine (in my opinion).

At this point I am very passionate about creating unity in the world by unifying people around creativity…I kind of believe in creativity as a spiritual practice…the bottom line…I am S-T-U-C-K!!!

But I know when we ask for help…we can get unstuck! So I an so grateful for @craigconstantine for creating this space. I an grateful for @steveh for reaching out.

I do need a SHOVE.

love love love

@brucedevereux @Lovelace @JuleKucera

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oh wow! You’ve a treasure chest of great stuff there. :smiley:

My quick search leads me to believe it’s straightforward to have Captivate “suck” everything out of Sound Cloud for you. This may looks bonkers-technical, but it’s doable…

Basically, everything about your entire show — images, mp3, titles, show notes, everything — is in your show’s current RSS feed. …and Captivate has a tool that you can use. “See my show over there?” “…yeah, copy all that stuff into here.”


In my podcast I am simply talking to other creatives and including them in my little morning kayak ride which WAS part of my morning routine.

My Morning Routine:
-kayak/mini Podcast recording
-gratitude journal
-Alanon devotional
-morning pages (brain dump concept from Artists Way)
-coffee/breakfast (while doing jounal/devotion/mpages)

The key is for me to get back to practicing what I was preaching. I am not even getting out of bed well.

My obstacles:
still processing divorce
2 weeks of headcold
my youngest son jail/house arrest
Budgeting my time again and sticking to the budget

My lofty goals:
-Get Podcast on Captivate and create consistently
-Finish book 3
-make book 2 into a course and replace job waiting tables with online income
-make a community for creative women in Midlife NOT on FB

@steveh @Lovelace @JuleKucera


the podcast is me talking to that group…even though I haven’t created the group yet…basically I am talking to myself when I podcast. Which for now is still good and makes me happy…but I don’t want to stay there.

@Lovelace @JuleKucera


In the closet means I am not sharing my podcast…just talking to myself.

I actually sometimes record in my closet too…so it also means that.

It is like the book manuscript I finished in 2017 but had sitting on my hard-drive, til I quit my advertising sales just in the fall of 2019, took a factory job and got it self published summer 2020.

@steveh @Lovelace @JuleKucera @brucedevereux

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That was me…but it was a kayak…I have a little lake in my back yard. Some people take a walk around the block, I hop in my kayak.

I got a fancy android phone with great cameras and stereo mics…so I can have a studio in my pocket.

My little podcast was from the concept of 60 seconds a day. I recorded consistently for almost 3 months…I think the wedding in when I let my routine start to slip.

@Lovelace @steveh

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oh Wow…there is my nudge…now for the shove…which is me kicking my own @ss.

thanks @craigconstantine
love love love



I hear what you’re saying–that you’re stuck–and I have a different perspective. I believe you are in the wilderness, and you’re finding your way through it to what comes next, both with your podcast and your life.

This is to be expected. I have gone through a divorce and know that it took more energy than I thought I had. I don’t have children so have never married off a son, but believe that takes a lot of energy as well. Not so much the wedding, but the recalibration of the relationship.

A friend of mine who is a single parent went into a clinical depression after her two sons left home. “Who am I now?” was the question she asked. My friend found her way into her answer–she is a partner in a new relationship and she is a writer.

With your divorce and the change with your son, you may be asking yourself, “Who am I now?” I am sure of part of the answer: You are a podcaster. If you weren’t you wouldn’t care so much. You would let your podcast wither and die. And if your heart winced when you read those words, you know for sure.

I wrote a couple of things for myself that may be helpful for you. Or maybe not. If not, then my advice is: Ignore! Ignore! Ignore! You are making your own way on your new path.

Vessel of Affection: Helps us understand how our ‘love waterline’ changes and what we might do to restore our waterline. I wrote this after my husband died and I sold our house and gave away our dog. More than a decade later, it still makes sense to me.

Related to life transitions, I wrote a series of blog posts about that, based on the work of William Bridges. I love thinking of the Neutral Zone as a swamp, because it sucks. It sucks emotionally and the mud of a swamp sucks at our boots as we try to walk, sometimes pulls them right off our feet.

Keep going, Jamie. One step at a time. Even if sometimes you have to stop to put a boot back on.

@craigconstantine @brucedevereux @steveh @lovelace


love love love this! (I say poo to ignore ignore ignore…lol)

I am in the Swamp wilderness…I probably shouldn’t have worn flip flops…can’t even find the darn things…I will get me some boots and start trudging!

many broken water lines
-house of 20 years sold April Fools Day 2020
-dog gone to be the alpha pom in a pack of poms
-15yr old cat ran away when I moved her to the 2 bedroom condo
-son 1 in MN w/ wife and granson son 2
-son 2 got married and lives with wife and grandson 1
-son 3 in LA trying to be an actor (he is making pizzas like I wait tables)
-son 4 in and out of jail because of drugs/selling, it made the papers and radio last week
-my sacred tree in the backyard fell over this summer

BUT…I have my kayak, my lake, my condo and my other cat Frodo
AND…I have Alanon friends, mystic christian friends and my PODfamily!!!

trudge trudge trudge

well, I am off to ask people how they want their steaks cooked and will set aside an hour tonight to look at what @craigconstantine shared about porting things from SoundCloud to Captivate

Let’s all make it a great day!
@steveh @brucedevereux @Lovelace @JuleKucera


Key question to clarify is if you have an RSS feed for your soundcloud account. @JustJamie

I think SC does provide and RSS feed… but I can’t find it looking at her Sound Cloud. @JustJamie you may need to login and find your RSS feed URL.

This page is big, but I think there’s instructions on how to find your RSS feed URL from your creator’s view of the account. I don’t have an SC account, but this [NOT an SC document, mind you] seems to say how to find it…

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I just found mine and didn’t even know I had one. @craigconstantine

Once you have that, the captivate import is straightforward and the help desk helpful if you get stuck. @JustJamie

@JustJamie since you’re a supporting member (hey, thank you!) you can also start a topic about migrating from sound cloud over in #workbench — more info is in that category’s About topic.

I am still struggling with this. I am starting to feel like I am not smart enough to figure this out…ugh! But wanted to post that at least I am trying.

I have 68 episodes in SoundCloud to port over and even more on my phone that I kept recording after SoundCloud got full…so I think I might have a significant amount of content to start something with.


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