IDEA CLUB meets today (Oct 3)

During the meeting I brought up Steve Pressfield’s concept of “where’s your scene?” Wrong person :slight_smile:

…it’s from Cal Newport:

I tell this story not because I think a method approach, in which you inhabit your characters and their behaviors, is the best way to write fiction. (If this were true, a lot more authors would take a swing at romance novels.) But instead because it’s an extreme example of a more general point that I’ve been emphasizing recently: when it comes to cognitive work, setting makes a difference.

~ Cal Newport from, On Vampires and Method Writing - Cal Newport

Back in May I wrote about this…

This is something I’ve thought about often, related to my podcasting efforts—and everyone else’s podcasting efforts—

Where is the podcasting scene for us?

I think this Podcaster Community is the scene for me… but it’s not busy enough to fully scratch the itch for me. I want to be able to wander into the proverbial Paris literary café and find myself awash in literary discussion.

Updated to add: I’ve some ideas about how to accomplish that. The Tuesday audio spotlight was meant to be a way to get something interesting posted once a week (and without me having to do it every week). But that hasn’t taken off. I’ve also considered doing something where each week someone would share/suggest one podcast episode … but as with all things, it’s hard to get a string of volunteers to fill up a regular weekly thing. :slight_smile:
