Craig's thoughts on Calendly

Continuing from a private discussion with @David3560 …

I haven’t used the free version in a while. I recall there was some feature that I quickly needed… it might have been the ability to white-label—change the branding to use the logos I wanted, etc… Or it might have been that you can’t create multiple event types. I’m using the $10/month level for PodComm and it’s absolutely worth it for wrangling podcast recording and the workbenches. Or maybe it was the sync-calendly-to-external-calender feature. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

My filter is simply that if I’m expecting multiple people to be trying to schedule with me at the same time, then it’s useful. If you ask me to meet 1on1, then I just coordinate it manually via direct discussion. Calendly cannot see my entire life’s calendar, so this lets me decide exactly where to put a one-off meeting.

I have considered creating an entirely separate Calendly account (with the additional monthly cost) so that I could create “Craig office hours.” Then I’d be able to throw that Calendly link to anyone who asks me anything that I think would be better as a quick, say, half-hour meeting. However, I’ve learned that it’s easier, and wiser for me, to not volunteer so quickly for so many things. If I can’t allocate the small amount of time needed to manually coordinate a meeting, then that meeting probably isn’t worth my time.

I create larger blocks of time, as a recurring event in my personal calendar. I have these big blocks that remind me “this is the zone where Calendly might commit me.” If something comes up in my schedule in those big blocks, then I duck into Calendly and mark an “exception” to the normal availability so it doesn’t put people there.

Calendly syncs to a Google Calendar. has it’s own Google Account. I’ve subscribed to that GCal in my personal calendar. When someone grabs a spot, it appears in my calendar automatically.

Everything for this PodComm is then in that GCal. Things like Campfires—which aren’t schedule via Calendly—I go into that GCal and add them. This has the added benefit of there being a single GCal that everyone can subscribe to, to see everything that’s going on in this community. (That calendar is one of the benefits for supporting members: )

The one Calendly feature that I want is for Calendly to publish a calendar feed of my scheduled availability. So rather than me having to create the faux big events reminding me about Calendly’s spaces, I want calendly to feed me that as an event. That way, Calendly would feed me those windows with the configured exceptions “punched out”.

Anyway. There’s my Calendly dump. :slight_smile:


Thanks for sharing the Google calendar link. I’m super busy for another 8 weeks and I haven’t had time to work out when catchups/campfires are in my time zone. This is super handy. Thank you!

Sorry, not much to add about Calendly.


Also, I should mention that I use an admin day to corral all of life’s administrative cruft. Doing so vastly simplifies life.


@craigconstantine - from one of you blogposts, “…how much time do I spend managing my time? I’ll say:
15 to 30% of my entire available life.”

Very thought-provoking article!


I think I found a bug in Calendly. Story of my life…

Calendly has configurable “buffer time” on meetings. So the companion podcast is a 30-minute event. I have 30-minutes of “after buffer” set. So a 2pm means no one can back-to-back me at 230. But someone can book at 3pm. [that’s the desired effect]

(I don’t expect people to fill up my days. I just want maximum flexibility for people who are scheduling.)

What Calendly actually does is apply the “after” buffer setting to both after and before. If someone schedules at 2pm, and another at 4pm — this is actually my Thursday this week. There is actually still room [in my insane opinion] for a 3pm in there. Right? 3-330p, then “after buffer” 330 to 400. Then next scheduled event at 400 to 430.

Loooooong email with pictures has been sent. :laughing:

It turns out that Calendly’s software isn’t broken, it’s simply super-smart:

If one sets a value for before-buffer, and/or after-buffer, on an event type, when someone schedules an instance, the buffer values are stored with that scheduled event. If you later—as I was doing when I thought I found a bug—change the before- or after-buffer settings on the event type, the existing scheduled events “remember” the buffer settings that were in effect. So I made the buffer change I wanted, then tried to “see” that it was having the effect I wanted by trying to schedule a new instance of the event, among existing events.

¿ right, who cares… but just thought I’d *un-*cast the shade I had cast at Calendly :laughing:

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