Submitted a few different feeds of the same show to Apple. One of the feeds was denied alleging the art album was larger than 1400x1400, but the file is 1400x1400 and the other submissions were accepted just fine. Has this happened to you? Thanks.
@AnnieP @steveh …where’d that discussion go, I feel like Annie just worked through this and we should have notes somwhere?
Are they png or jpegs? Otherwise it sounds like others may have experiences to share.
Ah, mine was one image @craigconstantine and the file was too large pixel wise
AP (she/her)
Png. I believe either those or jpg should work correct? Thanks
Between 1400 and 3000 px square but also the bit they don’t mention is less than 500k
What were the image specs
These are apple’s details but it looks more complicated because they re different if you have a subscription set up.
Have you checked it with an RSS feed tool? Like this one
If the cover image was made in Canva, you can compress the image size to make it smaller. (below)
That might help with image size, which is an issue on Apple Podcasts.
I have trouble with that sort of thing sometimes. I use Canva to work with graphics so I can o er come that type of thing.
This sounds like a great Workbench opportunity.
…the workbench is for our Supporting Members — Adam is completely welcome to do what he did… post in #public and everyone is welcome to help him. (And I’m sure there are enough super-generous folks to get it sorted. :)
Another point to note with Canva is that their default resolution is 96ppi but apple ask for 72 ppi so it needs to be converted - on a Mac you can use The Preview app Tools > Adjust Size . We only have to do this once unless we use different artwork for each episode.
Not sure if an easy fix on a PC but there will be something.
If I’m keeping score correctly, then it’s…
- 3,000 px, square
- file size not more than 500k
- 72dpi (That’s a value your software sets within the image’s meta-data. See “dots per inch” (DPI) and meta data in images if this is new for you.)
Ooooooo, good to know!! Thanks, @steveh.
Thank you all!
These are great places for me to continue looking into in the coming days. Happy Thanksgiving.
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