Has anybody taken (or coach for) the Marketing Seminar? Comments? Can you recommend it?
I have a friend who took the Freelancer’s Workshop, which she didn’t much like, and then the Copy Workshop, which she thought was quite good. She is contemplating the Marketing Seminar. I suspect she wants to promote her own business (SEM, copywriting, digital stuff) more. I did say I recommended ‘This Is Marketing.’
I took the Marketing Seminar @ChristiCassidy. What I would say about it is, RE-LENT-LESS. While one can start without a clear idea of what you’d like to work on, it helps to have some sort of idea. There are 60 lessons/ prompts. It takes a LOT of time. Think POD on steroids. At least for me, it was really hard. I changed my idea about halfway through and tried to go back and do the lessons over again. Gah. I never finished. Coaches were excellent, content is great. Seth is, well, Seth. If she’s been through some other Akimbo programs, she will know what it is all about. Hope that helps. It would be interesting to know what she didn’t like about Freelancer’s and what she did like about the Copy Workshop. Lots and lots of people are successful in their Marketing Seminar work.
@thearena - this is really helpful. Thank you so much. I will relay your comments to her. As for what she didn’t like about the Freelancer’s Workshop and what she thought made the Copy Workshop “great,” I’ll ask her.
Hi @ChristiCassidy
Like @thearena says, it is a hosepipe. I found it very worthwhile though and it did make me think quite deeply about the audience that we are there for and who likes what we do, as well as the various strands that allow us to market in different ways to the right people with the right things. Our marketing for the practice has really focussed the take homes from that.
It is great fun, especially some of the prompts to look at book covers and I enjoyed some of Seth’s film and series prompts. I tried to spend a burst of time on each prompt as they came through and found that in the early days, I would go back and had to update things. I think there comes a point , if you persevere, where one feels that you have achieved what you need to but I guess that depends on the individual situation.
Of course many of us over the last few years went through the course with Covid around and this left more time. I am not sure how I would cope, now that I am at the helm full time again.
Hope that helps
@Rob thank you! Your point about Covid is a good one. The time commitment. BTW, I really liked your short piece about the Carbon Almanac–I listened to it the other day.
@ChristiCassidy - I have not participated in the Marketing Seminar. But I can point you to someone whose work you might want to consider. If you are on LinkedIn check out Simon Ratcliffe’s marketing/branding work.
I know a few Akimbo friends who took the Marketing seminar, one from PW and one from altMBA. Both said it, was relentless, worthwhile, and neither got all the way to the finish with it.
StorySkills is very good. It’s fast, well run, and will get you thinking about how you communicate your story succinctly and with power. I highly recommend it.
The Creativity Workshop is another one that I recommend.
LOLOLOL I just said to Nan (my partner), I’m going to make Rob’s chowder when we get to Maine (we’re headed up there on August 6-13). And I know it will taste delicious in the sea air. I’m glad you tried the wings…and liked them!
@thearena and friends - here are my friend’s comments about the Copy Workshop and Freelancer’s Workshop -
The Copywriting Workshop, Margo Aaron was a lot of fun. It reminded me that copy doesn’t need to be salesy and dull. As a freelancer, the hard part is finding clients who “get” that. But, if you are developing your own brand, it’s eye-opening and freeing.
I don’t really have anything to say about the freelancer workshop. I think it didn’t fit where I was at the time.
@ChristiCassidy Listening to the Audiobook of This is Marketing - was my intro to Seth and Akimbo. LOVED the book so much, I signed up for the Marketing Workshop. Linda and Rob gave you excellent responses on it. All the comments here so far are spot on. I got as far a Lesson 8 - pre-COVID and my 1st exposure to Discourse. Here is the main point. I DID FULLY FINISH the Creatives Workshop - all the way up to the Bonus Lesson 40 and it was the MOST significant education I ever got on understanding myself as a creative AND beginning the practice of taking action like one. By comparison, I have no doubt that if someone wants to truly get a grip on Marketing - and actually does those 60 Lessons and engages with others - The Marketing Seminar will bring them to a better place than they ever imagined.
We are making Cioppino this evening.
This is something our whole family always eat the lot and lick the bowls.
Let me know if you want the recipe.
Cheers @ChristiCassidy
Have a great time in Maine, it looks like a great place.