Here you may post your personal introductions and your own podcast shows. Read more…
This is the only place where you may post pitches for your own services, projects, etc.
Post one topic introducing yourself, and in that post you can pitch anything related to podcasting. Do not create multiple new topics—you can edit your existing topic, or reply to your existing topic.
Questions? Please message @craigconstantine click that, then click the
Message button.
If you include images, the first image you include in your post will automatically show up on the Introductions category display.
Take a moment to introduce yourself.
For example, here’s my introduction.
Your podcast
Create a new topic for each show. It’s fine to include an example episode/trailer, images, etc in your topic—whatever you want to include to share your show.
If you want to mention individual episodes as you release them, please post them as replies under your show’s topic. That will “bump” your topic to the top of things, and anyone following your topic will get a notification.