What's the overarching arc?

This episode—First, Tell Them An Anecdote—from How Sound, delivered two things for me. First the idea of why one might want to start every episode with an anecdote… but half-way through I realized I was thinking deeply about overarching arc— arc across all of my episodes…

What’s the big arc across all your episodes?

…yes, yes, “my presence” it one obvious answer. But what specifically about you?


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I think it relates to what Jay Acunzo calls your premise.

What is the thing you are doing with the podcast? Exploring, posing a question, answering a question? Your why.

For me it is about encouraging confident and fulfilled owners of happy and healthy alpacas.

My overarching arc is probably - what do you notice, what does it mean and what do you do now - all seen through the prism of alpacas.

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