What advice would you give to a non techi newbie?

Hi everyone. I am starting podcast and I am not at all tech savvy. But I am learning. I am wondering what is the most easier and cost effective way to edit and publish my podcast. I will have a YouTube channel too, so need a video editor as well. I looked at Acast- which says I can edit and publish through them. I am also not keep on having subscriptions to multiple platforms, and would prefer just the one or two. Any advice appreciated really. Here is the podcast cover I have designed. Its still work in progress.


Welcome @Therapod :slight_smile:

I recently found this article that ai’ve been saving to share here on Pod Comm…

I can’t say for sure it’ll help, but maybe it will offer some direction.

We’re happy to try to answer questions. Keep going! :slight_smile:


I love it — let’s swap guesting when you are ready — put me on the list as one of your guests.

I talk about Practicing the pause for mental health and sanity.

Here’s mine — https://soundbits.simplecast.com/

Let’s coordinate our schedules and discuss logistics to make this happen. Please let me know your availability, and I’ll be more than happy to work out the details together.

I’m excited about the opportunity to contribute to your podcast and share my knowledge with your audience. Thank you for considering me as a guest, and I look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with you.

Warm regards,

Thanks all,
Kim Groshek
Elite business strategist and mental health coach known as the “Pause Lady.”
Kim works with achieving professionals to become more successful and happy by doing less.


I recommend Descript

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Thank you Craig! That is a very useful read for me!

Hi Kim! This is amazing! Thank you. Once I am up and running I would love to connect with you and swap guesting too!

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