Small is beautiful

Here’s an intriguing, albeit brief, dive with Nate DiMeo of the sublime The Memory Palace podcast. In this How Sound episode (now renamed Sound School Podcast) Rob Rosenthal and DiMeo discuss how DiMeo writes the show. This episode also includes an entire 10-minute episode of The Memory Palace; You can listen to this even if you’ve not heard of DiMeo or his podcast.

The process of writing means that you are in it… in the process of writing for me means that I’m connecting with the material in the subject. And I’m very present sort of sitting with it in, like, a mindfulness kind of way. My goal, when I start… when I sit down to start to write, is to not let that thing go, and not let that connection dissipate. And so it ends up having to be, like, speed speed speed… you know, like, just keep writing, like, just keep trying to find those connections. Just keep pushing through… see if you can make it to the end that you have in mind. You know, maybe the end will be different when you get there.

~ Nate DiMeo ~4:07 from,

DiMeo also make some points about it being necessary to find one’s own “voice” when writing for your own show. He’s also clear that the secret is practice.

And he dropped a new–to–me word in the process: Assonance.



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