Podcaster Community Spotlight


The Spotlight is where you can get feedback, help or information from the entire Podcaster Community.

Each spotlight is an opportunity for the entire Podcaster Community: To provide deep, generous feedback on someone’s work; To brainstorm and give first-impressions on someone’s idea; To investigate or problem-solve someone’s issue.

The Spotlight

Every few weeks our Supporting Members pick something and we start a Spotlight topic in the Workbench category where the entire community can engage.

  1. There’s a week for discussion, online, in that topic.
  2. Next, there’s a live Zoom call for interactive discussion. The video and takeaways are added to the ongoing topic in Workbench.
  3. Finally, there’s time for further discussion, online, in the topic before we start the cycle over.


What topics can we pick? …anything in any way related to podcasting!

  • A question you want the community to noodle on
  • Feedback (generous and constructive criticism) on your latest podcast episode
  • Input on a new show idea you’re developing
  • An area of podcasting you’re not into, but you want to know more about

Dates and what’s next

The Spotlight topics are easy to, well, spot. You’ll receive a notification (unless you’ve gone out of your way to disable notifications) when one starts on the Workbench . Information for each Zoom call will be posted, as a reply, right on each Spotlight’s topic.

:calendar: Subscribe to the Podcaster Community’s calendar to see everything that’s going on. The Spotlights will automatically be on your calendar.

:incoming_envelope: Subscribe to the Podcaster Community’s email list to be kept up to date.


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