Hi! I'm Elisa

Hello everyone, I’m an alum of POD7. I’ve been truly amazed by the experience of learning to create a podcast with the generous support of so many incredible people. And I’m keen to continue my learning process with this fantastic community, while at the same time offering whatever support and encouragement I can give as well.

My podcast is called Mystic Takeaway and features guests who share their inspiring personal stories of the transcendent colliding with the everyday and the surprise, and joy and wonder that ensues when that happens.

I’m also soon to start a new podcast, Carboncast that will focus on climate change issues and the potential of carbon capture technologies. My son has a company that is working in this space and the podcast will be for educational outreach.

I look forward to seeing what collaborations and connections develop from Podcaster Community. Thanks, @craigconstantine for your initiative!


OOOOOo @Elisa. Mystic Takeaway’s description draws me in. I’m curious!

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That is so kind of you to note, @AdamGreenberg

I loved your website, and all the amazing life adventures you are leading with your partner. Really inspiring!

I started my podcast because I’m a mystic by nature, and have had so many of my own transcendental experiences and wanted to create a forum for such things to be shared. I appreciate your comment and if you have a story to share, I’d love to have you as a guest!


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I’ll take a listen and see if I would have anything in particular of value to add to an episode. Feel free to check in with me again sometime if I don’t first.

@Elisa I would like to hear more…I have been exploring Mystic Christianity…not sure if that is in the same space or not.