This is an excellent point. It brings up the discussion of who this community is for, Who's it for? …notably, teaching people to podcast is not this community’s primary purpose.
For sure, a motivated learner (as you clearly are @petersumsion ) can chip away at things in a sort of self-directed learning. You can definitely read things here, ask lots of questions, but not expect a clear path to be laid out for you to get you to “podcaster.” Wherever possible, I (and I feel everyone else would agree with me,) would be delighted if this community enables such self-learning.
I want whatever-this-new-thing-is-called to support podcasters and their ongoing passion. (Danny’s reply about his music is a perfect example of what I want to be sure this new thing supports.) But this new thing isn’t intended to be part of teaching peole how to podcast.
I hope that makes things clearer, not more muddy?