Yet, when I move through the bookmarking process, it appears that everything is working properly. I have about a dozen podcast sites bookmarked and when selecting them I am seamlessly linked to the intended page. Any ideas about how to fix this? Other than keeping a tab open for Podcasting Community at all times, I would like to easily navigate to the site with a single click from my Favorites.
…and I keep thinking I should get around to standing up a little web service that enable me to answer for a bunch of common mis-named URLs and send people to the right place…
Crikey! Hazards of admin powers... I pressed the pencil icon, on your reply, instead of the **reply** icon. Then I went on to completely replace your reply, with what I wanted to write! …fortunately, there's an undo history feature. I point this out, juuuuuust in case anyone notices and wonders what's up.
…you may be able to edit the address of the existing bookmark. Perhaps by right-clicking?