Anybody use Feedspot?

This morning I randomly came across Feedspot (for German language blogs: - oops they put some Dutch in there) and was wondering if anybody else has used/uses it? What has your experience been?


No, AnnieP

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I hadn’t heard of it but I checked it out and found some sites/blogs that may be good resources. Let us know what decide. :relaxed:

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This morning I received the first digest email of recent posts from that category and it was a good email, clearly categorized, etc. So technically speaking, it’s a decent digest. The layout is clear and it’s easy to read and to follow which blog post came from which source.

(Unfortunately too many of the articles were the usual, confusing kind, written for SEO rather than for a learner’s understanding. Thus I am reminded to concentrate on what’s most helpful for the learner “Who’s it for?”.)

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