Before I even ask my question, I want to bring in this thread from awhile back where @artemisgavriilidou asked about podcast seasons and episode numbers…
Building on the thread started there, I’m curious what your personal take on offering seasons and if you offer seasons for your podcast, how you number your episodes?
Yes, I’m curious if you sequentially number your episodes even when you begin a new season (most podcasters seem to do this - meaning if your Season 1 ends with Episode 10, your Season 2 starts with Episode 11 - as opposed to restarting episode numbers like TV shows do)… though I’m even more curious about if and how you categorize your podcast into seasons and WHY you do it or you don’t.
Another interwoven question, I’m curious if you offer SERIES within your podcast. I see seasons as different than series in the way that a season is based on a length of time versus a series is based on a theme. Your definitions may vary, though
I’ve been looking through big and small podcasts to see what each host does… @craigconstantine you do different things for each of your podcasts so perhaps you have intentionally considered what you do and why you do it in regards to seasons?
@clevpt I came upon your podcast Wisdom Shared (and I came upon it actually by searching for @steveh’s podcast and recognized your name Carole from previous encounters in Akimbo land) and you seem to restart your episode numbers with each new season. Would you care to share your reasoning?
@steveh, you seem to simply keep going with episode numbers and don’t include any “seasoning.” (trying to play with wording but to be clear, you simply go with episode numbering and do not include any season numbering
Really, there’s no one way and I’m not here looking for the one way. I’m curious to hear your perspectives is all!
It’s nice to touch back into this community. It’s been a lot longer than I thought since I’ve been here (I needed to look up when Craig and I talked on Podtalk and it was… July 2022!! this community is too good for me to simply touch in on an annual basis…
Curious to hear your thoughts and perspectives on if you season or not! – and if you “series” or not too.