Spotlight Idea Club - Joint Meeting Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Idea Club joins the Spotlight topic this month for a lively discussion of organization, storage, backups and all those persnickety details that cow some of us and elate others.

Join us as we dive deep into the scary world of organizing your files, cloud and local backups and much, much more.

All in a convenient half-hour get-together that will leave you feeling accomplished and ready to tackle the next issue on your podcasting to-do list.

Podcast Community members all welcome!

When: 2024-06-04T19:00:00Z→2024-06-04T19:30:00Z

Click here to join the Zoom meeting.

See you there!

@ideaclub @members @maryjlrowe @craigconstantine @ChristiCassidy

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Incredibly well said - rousing! Seeya there! :smile:

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Heads up: I won’t be at tomorrow’s call, sorry for the short notice. Looking forward to the replay :slight_smile:

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Bummer. We’ll miss you! Thanks for the heads-up. Hope all is well.

We had a fun and surprisingly wide-ranging conversation considering the Spotlight topic about organizing your podcast files.

Before the RECORD button went on, @Lovelace was telling us about her work in Maine, working for the Small Business Association for the Office of Disaster Recovery and Resiliance.

Once the RECORD button went on, we continued the conversation, bringing it around to creativing and organization, “tidying up” (per Astin Kleon) and keeping track of files.

Here is the video of today’s meeting - in Dropbox.


@ideaclub @members @maryjlrowe @Lovelace @Hoagie @ChristiCassidy @craigconstantine

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