Selecting quotations using Chat-GPT

With great power, comes great responsibility. Large language models (LLM) like Chat-GPT are powerful tools. How do I use it responsibly?

I want to find and present great quotations from guests on my podcast episodes. What happens when I try to get Chat-GPT to do it? Following is a really deep dive into exactly what happens, along with my best efforts to work with this power tool in a way which accurately represents what my guests say, while showing them in the best possible lighting.

The transcripts the LLM works from

For this to make any sense, you need to know that I start from a machine-generated transcript. I get them from the recording service, or from another service where I upload audio (for older episodes before machine-generated-from-the-service was available.)

Below is a screenshot.

  • In the left-margin are line numbers. Line 107 and 123 are too long to fit, so my text editor has visually, “soft” wrapped them for ease of reading.
  • The files have time codes in them (the format does vary somewhat too). They have silly amounts of precision: 16:51.57 is 16 minutes and 51.57 seconds. Hours appear in the front as another number with another colon.
  • The LLM understands which person is the guest, because it understands who introduces the show, and introduces the other person.

I break the very long transcript text file into chunks, because there’s a maximum amount of text you can paste into the LLM interface. The screenshot above is from the 2nd or three chunks from my conversation with Martin. The whole chunk is 144 lines and about 8,000 characters.

Imagine having to read through the whole transcript to find the best part to quote. That’s very hard for me to do (nevermind I don’t have the time to do it), but the LLM can do it in a blink. LLMs are tireless and patient.

The prompt

There’s much discussion about “prompt engineering.” It’s an art. The best clues I can give you are: Explain it to a 5-year-old. And, the 5-year-old does not get confused by ordered lists, even if you nest them.

I give the LLM all the transcript chunks. Then I give it this prompt:

Select 5 direct quotations (not from Craig) from the conversation. I prefer longer quotations which include more context. For each quotation you select, do three things: First, show me your selected quotation. Do not rewrite the quotations. You may remove verbal tics such as “ah”, “yeah” and “um”. You must leave the speaker’s false-starts and restarts in place, ending those with an em-dash and a space. Second, show the nearest time from before the selected quotation. Show that time exactly as it appears in the original transcript. Third, show the exact original transcript from which you selected the quotation. For context, show several lines of the original, unedited transcript before and where you selected the quotation.

Oh! Reviewing this post, I even found a problem in the prompt above. Can you see it? Below, you’ll see a complaint about the LLM response. Now I think it’s not an LLM error, but an error in my prompt above. :slight_smile:

(This entire post about quotations is actually just part 2 of a much larger prompt which starts with, “Perform the following 5 tasks. Include a numbered heading before your response for each of these tasks:”)

It spits the result out in one long stream of text. I’ll break it apart…

Quote 1

There are many things that I have to consider as I look at that:

Is it really a good quote, based on what I remember of that conversation? Meh, it’s okay. But that’s why I as it for 5 selections.

I don’t love that it refuses to give me context after the part where it selected the quote. I’ve tried, but after hours of work, I’m done prompt engineering and want to start this post. (As I mentioned above, I think this is because there’s an error, above, in my prompt.)

In this particular conversation, Martin talks a lot about “parkour”—thus “park order” (and many other variations I see a lot)—is just an error in the raw transcript. Ignore that for today.

Most importantly: Is it hallucinating?? Well, it’s easy to use that timestamp. 1 minute 22 seconds is definitely in the 1st chunk… a moment of scrolling…

Here’s the actual, original chunk I uploaded, and the LLM’s output side by side…

Okay, that’s sane. If I was going to pick this quotation, I’d have to work some form of my question into that quote, so his quote has some context…

Moving on, I’m just going to give you the screenshots for each.

Quote 2

Quote 3

Quote 4

Quote 5

Closing thoughts

I use LLMs to write my show notes. Getting a quote or two is just one part of that.

“Write show notes” is not “the work only I can do” (as Seth would say.) And, I simply do not have the time to do show notes from scratch.

Yes, I’ve spent hours today on prompt engineering, but I have 319 more podcast episodes from 2022 and earlier (!) that I want to have show notes for. Those episodes would be better with show notes. A few hours spent here, enable me to copy-and-paste… wait a few minutes (the LLM is not instantaneous) and I have a really good starting point for show notes.



@craigconstantine I think this is rather brilliant. How would you feel if we used it as the basis for next week’s Idea Club meeting?

@ideaclub @members


Go make a ruckus! :slight_smile:


Hey @craigconstantine , I use Google’s Notebook LM for this sort of task.

It can upload 50 sources of information, to a project folder, called a Notebook. Each source can be around 500,000 words (yes, words!) long each source. That means roughly each source can be around the entire length of all 3 volumes of the Lord of the Rings.

The Notebook Guide AI will automatically suggest prompts such as -

  • Create study guide
  • Table of contents
  • Briefing doc

And it will create citations from the source for everything it returns.

And it can create a 10 minute audio podcast summarising the source material. Yeah, you can create an AI podcast of your podcast, with one click!!!

I can’t comment on the accuracy of the inbuilt transcription - but it works well for me.

Oh, and it’s free.

It can also accept audio files (up to 200MB) as a source.

It might be a good additional tool for what you are trying to do. I haven’t used it on shows with multiple speakers so if you do experiment then I’d love to hear your results with it.

Have fun!!

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Big Question with a Deadline

This conversation touches on my last minute question about recording a discussion (not for a podcast) and transcribing the notes from the discussion, then summarizing information.

Jey’s description of Google sounds perfect…but can I record on my iPhone? I have to record notes for a meeting tomorrow when the Administrator for the US Small Business Administration arrives in one North Carolina town damaged by Hurricane Helene’s flooding and mudslides.

I have a recording app on the iPhone but transcription isn’t great, and it doesn’t offer summaries. Are there other apps you might recommend (even if I have to purchase a month’s subscription/use.) All suggestions are welcome!!

I’m staying in Asheville, North Carolina in a hotel without potable water and I’m driving (sometimes hours) through the mountains of Western North Carolina where Helene wiped out communities. I meant to add that I’m back in disaster worker mode and the devastation in North Carolina is beyond anything I’ve ever seen. “Hurricanes aren’t supposed to visit mountainous areas” miles from Florida landfall.

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Hi @Lovelace, I don’t know if you’ve tried Apple’s transcription lately but Apple’s upgraded their transcription engine and it’s superb!

It’s a pretty recent upgrade that came with iOS 18.

Big plus - the transcription happens on the phone, not the cloud, so you do not need an internet connection.

Two ways to try it.

  1. Record on the native Voice Memos app. Once the recording is complete you can press the three dot elipse button and you have an option to view or copy the transcript.

  2. Apple Notes has live transcription built in.
    Open the app
    Create a new note
    select the attachment icon to add an attachment
    Select record audio
    Start the recording
    While recording you can select the speech quote icon on the bottom left to see the transcription live. But it’s not necessary as you can view this once the recording’s complete.

I use an iPhone 14 running iOS 18.0.1

The transcription won’t offer summaries but you can run that transcription into any AI for that (though you will need internet connection)

And they won’t identify voices but the accuracy is excellent.

For paid apps - is probably the best out there and will create summaries for you. But I don’t know if this is reliant on an internet connection to transcribe.

Free Alternatives - Microsoft Word will transcribe upto 3 hours of audio a month on any paid plan.

The in built transcription in Microsoft Teams (open and start recording a meeting and the transcription starts automatically) is the best live transcription, I’ve seen, but you need a business subscription. If you capture online meetings then this is the best option as it identifies voices. But you can just use it as an audio recorder to capture voices in the room.

God bless,
Stay safe.

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Thanks so much for sharing these great suggestions, @Jey . I’m experimenting with both and I’m also trying fireflies ai. for transcription and integration with Dropbox.

I need to upgrade my personal iPhone (8plus iOS16) but my government iPhone is 13 iOS 18 and has the business TEAMS app. I haven’t tried transcribing meeting notes on that app yet.

Take care.

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