Journalism Portfolio Creation: Fictional Podcast Collaboration Inquiry

I’m looking to enhance my journalism portfolio with a fictional podcast called ‘a cup of coffee.’ Do you know any person who would like to participate in the podcast?

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Can you tell us more about the show? Who’s the show for? What’s the format, title, a short description…

The show doesn’t have an age restriction. It’s mostly about what has changed a person in their life. The format is 30 to 45 min the time you would have a cup of coffee with somone. A cup of coffee is the name. Additionally I would say that being spontaneously is also something important. But I’m quite flexible with the time.

Let me know if you have any further questions.

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Can you describe the show in 12 words? (A classic, starting a new show, exercise from Make Noise, by Eric Nuzum )

I think it’s interesting when a conversation is focused on a transition (as you’re proposing).

Who do you know—people in your normal (non-podcasting circles) life—who would simply say “sure, whatever” if you asked them? Could you pick three of them to ask… this would give you your first recordings without having to do any heavy lifting of guest outreach.

I’m happy to be a guest (whether or not you ultimately publish it). My schedule is often busy, I’ll dm you in a moment.

Say more about the podcast. Don’t know enough to answer