Because of @davidnebinski’s post (thanks, @craigconstantine) I had an idea during the most recent interview I conducted. I won’t want to do this every time, but when the conversation leans in this direction, and when the timing of post-production and release date permits, I am toying with occasionally reaching out to someone who matters (to the guest) and asking them if they are interested in sharing a message with the guest. If yes, parameters are quickly discussed, and I am simply looking for a 30-second(ish) mp3 file which I can drop into my audio software and add a “surprise” message for the guest and, of course, something that still aligns with the overall episode. (That is, the “cameo clip” shouldn’t make the listener say, “What was that all about?”)
I just interviewed a gentleman who has beaten cancer twice and this third round is almost certainly his last. He was very candid with me about this. Our paths crossed years ago and I also know two of the three members of his immediate family, all of whom have naturally been through this 20 year journey with him. I am contacting the guest’s wife today to see if she, and their son and daughter, will send me the kind of message I outlined above. I think it will add a huge personal touch to the episode and will absolutely matter to the guest.
Again, this is not going to be a standard element in each episode (at least I don’t think so right now), but considering it will be. As I think back on the episodes I’ve released thus far (and the number is very low considering it’s been four years), I think there are maybe ten guests where a “cameo clip” would had added to the value of the episode.
Note: the cameo message might be a statement made to the guest, or about the guest and his or her impact, or a lesson learned from the guest, and probably a few other angles I haven’t yet thought of.
This group, whoever reads this post, is a great group to share this idea with and see what kind of reaction or potential caveats or twists emerge. Thanks for your time!