I Don't Listen to Podcasts (Satirical View of Why Podcasts Suck)

Comical look at why podcasts suck by UK satirist, Michael Spicer.

For reference, the Mayor who appears at around the 5 min mark, on the Diary of a CEO podcast (one of the biggest pods in the UK), is Mr Sadiq Khan who is the Mayor of London (it’s a super important job, for real).

A thought that struck a nerve for me was Spicer’s challenge: “… when some people are in podcast mode they strive to be the most articulate intellectual voice that’s ever graced a microphone and and because of that organic conversation is killed and sometimes the people on podcasts equate eloquence and intellectual clout with just talking a lot…”

Lol! Been there!!!

What are your thoughts? (Jey challenged, using the tired theme of ending with a question in the desperate hope of getting a few replies that he can register as “engagement” and ignoring the fact he’s now speaking of himself in the third person. Er…Excuse him, he needs to lie down. This is getting too meta. )


Oh, @Jey, it’s great to see you grace my inbox from time to time! I miss my podcasting friends, and my podcast, for the moment, as it’s had to take a backseat to some other time consuming things! But I hope to get going again before long!

I think the mayor is right! :slight_smile:


Don’t encourage him @AnetteCarlisle !!!

Lol! So great to hear from you. I miss you and the gang too. I can’t wait for you next show - no pressure! :grinning: :pray:



Thanks, @Jey!