Forbes Article: 10 Podcasting Lessons Learned After 100 Episodes

Interesting Forbes Article by Joseph Liu , host of the Career Relaunch podcast

Quick summary:

  1. Starting Somewhere Is The Most Important Step

    • Don’t aim for perfection right out of the gate; your best work will come with time and practice
    • Put out your first episode to begin the learning and improvement process
  2. A Proper Studio Setup Makes A Difference

    • A proper setup reduces friction when recording new episodes
  3. Consistency Is Half The Battle

    • Podcasting requires commitment, dedication, and genuine desire to create compelling content regularly
    • Releasing episodes with some regularity puts you ahead of most shows
  4. Every Episode Doesn’t Have To Be Amazing

    • Perfectionism has merits but shouldn’t hinder consistency
  5. Outsourcing Technical Tasks Is Critical

    • Delegate tasks outside your core expertise, such as artwork design, production, and music
  6. Finding The Right Guests Can’t Be Automated

    • The quality of your guests directly impacts the quality of your show
  7. Securing Sponsorship Isn’t The Only Measure of Success

    • Podcasts can serve various purposes beyond generating revenue
    • Establishing credibility, expanding reach, having a creative outlet, and making a difference are also measures of success
  8. Offers Many Hidden Benefits

    • Podcasting can be a content engine, inspiring written posts, newsletters, and presentations
    • It can help build your personal brand, expand your network, and lead to new opportunities
  9. You Have To Be In It For The Right Reasons

    • Personal interest and passion are necessary to weather the ups and downs of podcasting
    • Commercial motivation alone is unlikely to sustain the arduous process of creating episodes consistently
  10. You Can Have a Real Impact

    • Impacting even one person’s life through your voice makes podcasting worth the effort.

I was particularly stuck by his assertion that “…if you did nothing else and just released at least 10 podcast episodes including one in the last year, that would immediately put you into the top 25% of podcasts that have hit this threshold, regardless of the actual quality of your show.”

Reminds me of advice I got once - aim low! :grinning: