Don't be lucky. Be good

I’ve mentioned a few of Abel’s episodes. Out on the Wire, Episode 5, is another great one.

Don’t be lucky. Be good. Manufacture your own luck with the right kind of preparation for an interview. ~ Jessica Abel

Tons of great ideas in there. In particular, the idea of fully imagining the story you’re going to tell… before you do the interview. Then be open to finding and telling the story you actually discover. But by having imagined a story, you’re going to be in a better mindset—better prepared—for the conversations you have.

I was reminded of this quote from James Clear…

So what [is it]? What determines success? Hard work or good fortune? Effort or randomness? I think we all understand both factors play a role, but I’d like to give you a better answer than “It depends.” ~ James Clear from, Absolute Success is Luck. Relative Success is Hard Work.

