EVERYONE: Feel free to start your own topics if you have a pet project you want to be sure we get to…
I think this would be a great idea… So you’re thinking a space for help with the technical parts of podcasting… right?
Noting that only members can post or reply: Would we like this to be publicly visible?
…I think this is a great candidate to be a category under Public …that would enable us to share what we create. Posting URLs anywhere we want out in the world.
I laughed at this but I am using Audacity to record a Cornet Player, whom I am carrying out some treatment for. I am using it as a baseline so that I can track any changes in his ability to play. If needed I can rerecord the piece he plays and he can get a visual on how to change his play or we can redirect his treatment.
I would never have thought about this use for audacity if I hadn’t done TMS and the Podcasting Workshop. The family are really impressed, so I will establish this and look to find more uses for it within my clinical setting.