Best platform for video podcast?

Hi friends,

I have a possible gig helping a guy who makes B2B videos for YouTube and Vimeo; he also posts them on his own website. They’re pretty niche (biogas, anyone?), but he wanted to explore getting wider distribution via RSS.

I read this whole thread about Spotify - is this really the best or only way to host a video podcast?

He likes his YouTube and wants stats, but doesn’t want to get bogged down in having to find stats across various platforms. I understand he’ll have to get YouTube stats from YouTube, but what platform can I recommend where he could get everything else (including stats).

He uses Camtasia to edit (recording on Camtasia and Zoom) and does a decent job of it.

Thanks for any ideas and recommendations!



I just found this article, which was helpful. Would love to hear from anyone who’s actually used the recommended platforms with a video podcast. Thanks in advance!

@ChristiCassidy - I can’t help Christi but just wanted to thank you for the question. It is very relevant to my family in a different context (so I’ll be watching) and I learned a thing or two simply looking up words you were using in an effort to understand what you are talking about. Hope you get a useful response soon. :wink:


As has been said, that’s a good Q @ChristiCassidy

My first thought was why does it have to be a “podcast” …people play podcasts in players (like Apple’s, Overcast, Sticher or whatever) — and those are all audio-only. So as much as I love to advocate for “it’s a podcast if you can say ‘playable wherever you normally get your podcasts’” that doesn’t work for video.

For video, people have to be using someone’s app — the walled gardens of YouTube, or Spotify (spotify does video… i honestly dont know.)

SO . . .

You said they’re already blogging… why not make the definitive source for said videos be there? Get a vimeo account (~$80/yr for 60 videos streamable) and then it’s easy to drop in the Vimeo share url into a blog post… traffic on the domain they control, video streaming at every dimensions… and then sure, also upload to YouTube too… maybe YT gets just a video excerpt, a bit of text and “see the full episode at thewebsite


Just spit-ballin’


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Thank you! Great ideas. They already have their YouTube channel and Vimeo setup.

Thanks, Mary! Dang video is very confusing to me!

Well then (since they have vimeo and yt already) this is all there really is to his question…

I don’t know of any video hosting platforms which generate an RSS feed. (Since RSS is the opposite of what clsoed platforms aim to do.)

Their blog platform should generate RSS automatically.

I’m left wondering: Why they’re exploring distribution via RSS? / What do they think they’re going to do with an RSS feed if they had one?

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