I have a possible gig helping a guy who makes B2B videos for YouTube and Vimeo; he also posts them on his own website. They’re pretty niche (biogas, anyone?), but he wanted to explore getting wider distribution via RSS.
I read this whole thread about Spotify - is this really the best or only way to host a video podcast?
He likes his YouTube and wants stats, but doesn’t want to get bogged down in having to find stats across various platforms. I understand he’ll have to get YouTube stats from YouTube, but what platform can I recommend where he could get everything else (including stats).
He uses Camtasia to edit (recording on Camtasia and Zoom) and does a decent job of it.
I just found this article, which was helpful. Would love to hear from anyone who’s actually used the recommended platforms with a video podcast. Thanks in advance!
@ChristiCassidy - I can’t help Christi but just wanted to thank you for the question. It is very relevant to my family in a different context (so I’ll be watching) and I learned a thing or two simply looking up words you were using in an effort to understand what you are talking about. Hope you get a useful response soon.
My first thought was why does it have to be a “podcast” …people play podcasts in players (like Apple’s, Overcast, Sticher or whatever) — and those are all audio-only. So as much as I love to advocate for “it’s a podcast if you can say ‘playable wherever you normally get your podcasts’” that doesn’t work for video.
For video, people have to be using someone’s app — the walled gardens of YouTube, or Spotify (spotify does video… i honestly dont know.)
SO . . .
You said they’re already blogging… why not make the definitive source for said videos be there? Get a vimeo account (~$80/yr for 60 videos streamable) and then it’s easy to drop in the Vimeo share url into a blog post… traffic on the domain they control, video streaming at every dimensions… and then sure, also upload to YouTube too… maybe YT gets just a video excerpt, a bit of text and “see the full episode at thewebsite”