Trouble letting go

About an hour into Brian Koppelman’s conversation with Edward Norton, Norton is talking about “Tony” having trouble letting go of his film— letting go of the post-production of American History X.

The podcast episode is titled “Edward Norton” first published 11/12/2019 (but I think also re-published more recently?) from The Moment with Brian Koppelman.

Fair warning: I found Norton difficult to listen to at length (which surprised me.) He’s the master of tangential story and detail— a master of not finishing a train of thought. But I was able to “listen through” that and enjoyed the whole thing on balance.

When I heard Norton’s comments it occurred to me that I often pay attention to everything leading up the actual “hard” work. I also know about the trap of hiding in seeking perfection. But Norton’s story is one of someone really (really) having trouble letting go of their work, when they are forced to let go.
